Roof panel boards make mounting quick and easy
By using roof panel boards, you save both time and money during mounting of a roof. By choosing one of our painted versions, there is even more time to save.
Roof panel boards - or tongue and groove hatches as they also are called - are exactly what it sounds like; joined boards made of tongue and groove panelling. They are used as so-called false ceilings that should help keep the roof stable and tight. Roof panel boards are laid quickly and easily and contribute to minimal waste.
At Derome, we manufacture the roof panel boards completely mechanically, where scanners and lasers measure and check every single part. This means that you can be sure that the roof panel boards have high quality. Many people choose to cut their roof panel boards on site, but to make your work easier, we can cut them to the desired dimensions already during production.
That's why you should use roof panel boards
A roof should protect your building for many years. With roof panel boards from Derome in combination with a second sealing layer, you get a more stable and reliable climate protection than most other alternatives.
Advantages of roof panel boards
- Faster assembly
- Reduced workload
- The risk of mold growth is reduced when priming
- Reduced paint consumption through industrial painting
- Painted and treated with products that are part of a Nordic Ecolabelled paint system
Available in four versions
Our roof panel boards are available in four versions.
Our untreated roofboards are perfect for those who do not need any kind of painting or surface treatment.
Primed roof boards are painted once with Tikkurila Pinja Protect G/GM and can be finished with two coats, within 12 months of installation. Primed roof boards provide good protection against possible mold growth and you can use them at eaves/gable projections as well as over the entire roof.
Mid-coated roof boards are painted twice with Tikkurila Pinja Protect G/GM. They must be painted with another coat of paint within 12 months of installation. You can use them for eaves/gable projections and they can be ordered in any colour.
Fully pre-painted
Fully pre-painted roof panel boards are painted three times in the factory so that they don't need to be treated any more. You can order them in any color.
All roof panel boards are type-appoved for C14
Our roof panel boards are type-approved for C14 (∫mk=14 MPa), thereby easily meeting the strength requirements demanded by the industry. The lowest strength values described in current standards are for strength grade C14 (∫mk=14 MPa). When building designers and constructors do not specify a strength grade they generally assume the lowest values. This means you can feel confident in using the type-approved roof panel boards from Derome. For choice of thickness of the roof boards, eaves overhang and a stability calculation, consult the designer of the building.
Assortment Guide
To see our entire timber assorment, please download our assortment guide.