One Tonne Life - climate smart living

As the initiator of the One Tonne Life project, Derome wanted to contribute towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions.


Climate smart timber houses, electric cars and  advanced energy solutions

An ordinary Swedish family took up the challenge, with the help of new technology and know-how, to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions from 7 tonnes down to 1 tonne carbon dioxide per person and year. Family Lindell lived, for a period of six months, in a climate smart timber house that produced its own energy and were given an electric car for their transport needs. With these new products and with the advice and help of an energy coach and dietician the family succeeded in reducing their carbon dioxide emissions by an incredible 80%, almost down to 1 tonne.

Important lessons learned

For Derome, One Tonne Life has served as a discussion platform regarding what we as a housing company can do in order for our products to be better from a climate perspective. Lessons from the project have formed the basis for a number of improvements that have made our houses more energy efficient and more environment friendly.

Paricipating parties

  • A-hus (part of Derome)
  • Derome AB
  • Vattenfall
  • Volvo Personvagnar